The Journey of Love, an original musical production of Studio Classroom, Heavenly Melody and All U People Theater, successfully held two performances in Tainan on October 14 and 15. Tainan Mayor Huang Wei-che took time out of his busy schedule to attend the performance and expressed that he had to watch this musical about the life of Dr. Doris Brougham, who is an honorary citizen of Tainan. Brougham has been an honorary citizen of Tainan since 2017 and helped the municipal government in promoting English as a second language in the city.
At the end of the musical, Brougham appeared on stage and played the song “Down from His Glory” on her trumpet. The audience gave a thunderous reception when they saw Brougham. Brougham concluded the performance by encouraging the audience with: “Each one of you is special. Taiwan is small, but small things, like diamonds, can have great impact. Diamonds shine brightly, and each one of you can shine brightly too.”
ORTV Executive Director Daniel Hsieh expressed: “We will continue Dr. Brougham’s exemplary example of loving and serving the people of Taiwan.”