Heavenly Melody and the River of Life Foundation of Santa Clara, Silicon Valley, held a special online Thanksgiving concert, Embrace Joy, on 11/22 7 am Taipei time. ORTV Executive Director and Heavenly Melody Director Daniel Hsieh shared: “Due to the pandemic, we had to cancel all our overseas concerts. But Heavenly Melody has not stopped sharing God’s to those near and far. This year, we held two special online concerts for North America and Latin America. Our new album “Renewed” was nominated for the Golden Melody awards. The pandemic also pushed us to start two new video series, HM Kids and HM Jazz, which we will roll out in early 2022. 2022 is Studio Classroom’s 60th anniversary. We are thrilled to bring the story of Doris’ life to the stage with a musical titled Journey of Love in January.”
Hsieh expressed: “We are very happy we could do an online concert with the River of Life Foundation today. Since this concert was at 7 am Taipei time, I want to say a big thank you to our staff who got up early this morning to prepare for the concert. Please pray for us, and support us if you feel led, so that we can use music and media to bless even more people.”
The River of Life Foundation’s 生活廣場 music program’s director, David Liu stated: “Thank you Heavenly Melody and all your support staff for a wonderful concert and for showing that Jesus Christ is our hope. This year’s Thanksgiving is special because even though it has been a pandemic year, God has protected us each day. May God bless you and your family this Thanksgiving, and may you embrace the joy, blessings and grace of Jesus.”