Christmas Concerts Share Hope and Peace

Studio Classroom and Heavenly Melody held three Christmas Concerts in Kaohsiung and Taipei on December 9 and 17, after two years of no in-person concerts due to the pandemic. More than 4,100 people attended the concerts, and many watched online via livestreaming.

In a year filled with uncertainty, change and conflicts in many parts of the world, the theme was Hope and Peace. How the world needs the hope and peace that Jesus brought to Earth over 2,000 years ago. Heavenly Melody sang Christmas classics like “O Holy Night”, “Joy to the World”, “Jingle Bells”, “Silent Night”, and “One King”. The concert also featured lovely men and women’s trios and a live band. One highlight was “Mary, Did You Know?” sang by Heavenly Melody’s Mei Wang, Sharon Ting, and Cher Mai. This year’s skit was heartwarming and humorous with Heavenly Melody singer Peggy Wang, English teachers David Lee and David Morton playing angels inquiring about God’s plan for the world, and Gabriel Harbour playing the angel Gabriel. Longtime teacher Hazel Johansen gave a short message of the eternal hope that baby Jesus brought to the world. Our hope is many will find lasting hope and step into the new year with courage.

1- 2022年聖誕音樂會主題是「Hope &Peace 歡慶聖誕」,邀請大家在歲末年終相聚,用感恩的心,祝福台灣2023年迎來希望與光明。

2- 今年特別邀請音契弦樂團共同演出,加上舞團表演,讓整個演出更加豐富,盼望2023年的台灣充滿「Hope & Peace」

3- 最受大家期待以聖經為基礎的原創戲劇,每年都要讓所有觀眾耳目一新!

4- 今年聖誕音樂會戲劇名為「Christmas Angels聖誕天使」的原創戲劇

5- 天韻團長謝光哲、男高音溫克強、男高音林世傳合唱輕快的聖誕組曲「Christmas Medley」

6- 天韻副團長王玫及Hazel Johansen老師呼召現場觀眾來認識耶穌基督
