On Saturday, September 16, 3200 people took part in Studio Classroom, the Chinese Christian Relief Association (CCRA), and Traveler’s Let’s Run Charity Run at Bitan Scenic Area in New Taipei. The run raised money to support 2,500 children from underprivileged families around the island to attend CCRA’s 1919 afterschool programs that provide after school classes, character education, and dinners for one year.
Studio Classroom Executive Director Daniel Hsieh, CCRA Executive Director James Shia, and Traveler Chairwoman Lin Lilien fired the starter’s gun to begin the run. Studio Classroom’s teachers participated in the race, and some ran with their young children. After the run, Heavenly Melody gave a beautiful concert, and debuted Heavenly Melody Light, a new musical group with a more casual vibe.
This was the 10th anniversary of the run, and we are so grateful to continue this meaningful run and make a difference in the lives of thousands of children. We look forward to seeing you at our next run in September 2024!


天韻合唱團,今年持續用天籟美聲陪伴弱勢家庭及跑者,夕陽音樂會中現場獻唱經典好歌「天空沒有極限」、「蝸牛」、「You Raise Me Up」。

連續第10年舉辦「2023 Let’s Run-空英1919陪讀路跑」,現場總共有3,200多名愛心跑者與志工參加。

連續第10年舉辦「2023 Let’s Run-空英1919陪讀路跑」,現場總共有3,200多名愛心跑者與志工參加。





