On May 18, Studio Classroom, the Chinese Christian Relief Association, and Traveler held the 2019 Studio Classroom/1919 Let’s Run at Taipei’s Bitan Scenic Area, the sixth year of this annual charity run. Over 3,300 participants ran to help children from needy families. This year’s run will support 80 after school programs for elementary and junior high school aged children from needy families.
Studio Classroom founder Dr. Doris Brougham cares deeply for the education of children from underprivileged families. On stage, she publicly thanked everyone who came: “Thank you for running to support children in need. We love you.” Like she has done at each run in the past six years, Dr. Brougham happily chatted with the runners and took photos with long lines of fans young and old. Studio Classroom is proud to sponsor this run, and we look forward to next year’s run!